
Training that

Ruth McGowan trainer

"That was simply excellent! Superbly run. Great information. Outstandingly good graphics, data, and agenda. All just spot on! I dearly hope you can run that course for thousands upon thousands of women across Australia!"
EQUIP session feedback; Virginia Haussegger AM, Chair 50/50 by 2030 Foundation

Top training for your team

Image under Top training for your team

With more than 25 years of experience in training, Ruth is skilled at helping individuals, teams, and organisations transition to better ways of thinking and working. Ruth delivers online or in-person training on:

Boost your Political Savvy

The Australian Local Government Association identified training on 'Navigating the Political Environment' as a significant unmet need in the LG workforce in their Future Skills Report Australia (2018). The report noted it was "difficult to turn political savvy into a training program". Now, Ruth's unique political intelligence training fills the gap - for Managers and councillors.

Learn the fundamental political skills needed to survive and thrive in an organisation so you can get ahead (without compromising your principles). Delve deeper and with your team, understand the various types of ‘political animals’, tips on how to apply positive political skills and practice the behaviours that lead to success.

Councillor Facilitation

Tailored training for new council leadership teams. Ruth’s expert facilitation supports leaders - Councillors & the Executive Management Team - to have 'brave conversations' as they collaborate on a vision for a new council term. She helps teams get clarity on their actions to deliver Councillors' goals with the emphasis on a respectful, collaborative working relationship.

Gender Equality

Ruth has a deep understanding of gender equality and decades of experience advocating for women’s leadership. She has co-founded movements for change including Honour a Woman (gender equality in the Australian Honours), Put Her Name On It (equality in place names) and since 2011 she has curated the popular social media page More Women for Local Government.

Candidate training

In collaboration with trailblazing organisations such as Women for Election, Pathways to Politics and leading councils, Ruth delivers workshops across Australia on how to run a successful political campaign to assist women to stand for public office. Ruth's presentations are engaging, practical and always highly rated by participants.

