Get Elected – now a free PDF
Disillusioned with politics? Be the change you wish to see. Run for office and Get Elected!
The ultimate guide to planning a political campaign for all levels of Australian politics; local, state and federal.
With more than 7,400 opportunities across Australia to run for public office, what are you waiting for? If you are a woman curious about what it will take to get into politics – or a candidate from a diverse background – we need more people like you in politics!
Get Elected explains how you and your supporters can plan and deliver a winning campaign.
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Get Elected (PDF)
Get Elected; A step-by-step campaign guide to winning public office – local, state, federal (2nd Edition) by Ruth McGowan
Nominated for the Essential Reading List for 2019 by The Australia Institute.
With more than 4,000 books sold as hard copies and e-books, Ruth now wants to share Get Elected far and wide so more women and candidates from diverse backgrounds can be elected to all levels of Australian politics.